Crate derive_builder
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Derive a builder for a struct
This crate implements the builder pattern for you.
Just apply #[derive(Builder)]
to a struct Foo
, and it will derive an additional
struct FooBuilder
with setter-methods for all fields and a build-method
— the way you want it.
Quick Start
Add derive_builder
as a dependency to you Cargo.toml
What you write
extern crate derive_builder;
struct Lorem {
ipsum: u32,
// ..
What you get
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct LoremBuilder {
ipsum: Option<u32>,
impl LoremBuilder {
pub fn ipsum(&mut self, value: u32) -> &mut Self {
let mut new = self;
new.ipsum = Some(value);
fn build(&self) -> Result<Lorem, LoremBuilderError> {
Ok(Lorem {
ipsum: Clone::clone(self.ipsum
By default all generated setter-methods take and return &mut self
(aka non-consuming builder pattern). Accordingly, the build method also takes a
reference by default.
You can easily opt into different patterns and control many other aspects.
The build method returns Result<T, E>
, where T
is the struct you started with
and E is a generated builder error type.
It returns Err
if you didn’t initialize all fields and no default values were
Builder Patterns
Let’s look again at the example above. You can now build structs like this:
let x: Lorem = LoremBuilder::default().ipsum(42).build()?;
Ok, chaining method calls is nice, but what if ipsum(42)
should only happen if geek = true
So let’s make this call conditional
let mut builder = LoremBuilder::default();
if geek {
let x: Lorem =;
Now it comes in handy that our setter methods take and return mutable references. Otherwise
we would need to write something more clumsy like builder = builder.ipsum(42)
to reassign
the return value each time we have to call a setter conditionally.
Setters with mutable references are therefore a convenient default for the builder pattern in Rust.
But this is a free world and the choice is still yours!
Owned, aka Consuming
Precede your struct (or field) with #[builder(pattern = "owned")]
to opt into this pattern.
Builders generated with this pattern do not automatically derive Clone
, which allows builders
to be generated for structs with fields that do not derive Clone
- Setters take and return
. - PRO: Setter calls and final build method can be chained.
- CON: If you don’t chain your calls, you have to create a reference to each return value,
builder = builder.ipsum(42)
Mutable, aka Non-Consuming (recommended)
This pattern is recommended and active by default if you don’t specify anything else.
You can precede your struct (or field) with #[builder(pattern = "mutable")]
to make this choice explicit.
- Setters take and return
&mut self
. - PRO: Setter calls and final build method can be chained.
- CON: The build method must clone or copy data to create something owned out of a mutable reference. Otherwise it could not be used in a chain. (*)
Precede your struct (or field) with #[builder(pattern = "immutable")]
to opt into this pattern.
- Setters take and return
. - PRO: Setter calls and final build method can be chained.
- CON: If you don’t chain your calls, you have to create a reference to each return value,
builder = builder.ipsum(42)
. - CON: The build method and each setter must clone or copy data to create something owned out of a reference. (*)
(*) Performance Considerations
Luckily Rust is clever enough to optimize these clone-calls away in release builds
for your every-day use cases. Thats quite a safe bet - we checked this for you. ;-)
Switching to consuming signatures (=self
) is unlikely to give you any performance
gain, but very likely to restrict your API for non-chained use cases.
More Features
Hidden Fields
You can hide fields by skipping their setters on (and presence in) the builder struct.
- Opt-out — skip setters via
on individual fields. - Opt-in — set
on the whole struct and enable individual setters via#[builder(setter)]
The types of skipped fields must implement Default
struct HiddenField {
setter_present: u32,
setter_skipped: u32,
Alternatively, you can use the more verbose form:
#[builder(setter(skip = true))]
#[builder(setter(skip = false))]
Custom setters (skip autogenerated setters)
Similarly to setter(skip)
, you can say that you will provide your own setter methods.
This simply suppresses the generation of the setter, leaving the field in the builder,
as Option<T>
struct SetterOptOut {
custom_setter: u32,
impl SetterOptOutBuilder {
fn custom_setter(&mut self, value: u32) {
self.custom_setter = Some(value);
Again, the more verbose form is accepted:
#[builder(setter(custom = true))]
#[builder(setter(custom = false))]
Setter Visibility
Setters are public by default. You can precede your struct (or field) with #[builder(public)]
to make this explicit.
Otherwise precede your struct (or field) with #[builder(private)]
to opt into private
Generated builder struct name
By default, the builder struct for struct Foo
is FooBuilder
You can override this:
#[builder(name = "FooConstructor")]
struct Foo { }
let foo: Foo = FooConstructor::default().build()?;
Setter Name/Prefix
Setter methods are named after their corresponding field by default.
- You can customize the setter name via
#[builder(setter(name = "foo"))
. - Alternatively you can set a prefix via
#[builder(setter(prefix = "xyz"))
, which will change the method name toxyz_foo
if the field is namedfoo
. Note that an underscore is inserted, since Rust favors snake case here.
Prefixes can also be defined on the struct level, but renames only work on fields. Renames take precedence over prefix definitions.
Generic Setters
You can make each setter generic over the Into
-trait. It’s as simple as adding
to either a field or the whole struct.
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Lorem {
pub ipsum: String,
fn main() {
// `"foo"` will be converted into a `String` automatically.
let x = LoremBuilder::default().ipsum("foo").build().unwrap();
assert_eq!(x, Lorem {
ipsum: "foo".to_string(),
Setters for Option
You can avoid to user to wrap value into Some(...)
for field of type Option<T>
. It’s as simple as adding
to either a field or the whole struct.
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Lorem {
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
pub ipsum: Option<String>,
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub foo: Option<String>,
fn main() {
// `"foo"` will be converted into a `String` automatically.
let x = LoremBuilder::default().ipsum("foo").build().unwrap();
assert_eq!(x, Lorem {
ipsum: Some("foo".to_string()),
foo: None
If you want to set the value to None when unset, then enable default
on this field (or do not use strip_option
Limitation: only the Option
type name is supported, not type alias nor std::option::Option
Fallible Setters
Alongside the normal setter methods, you can expose fallible setters which are generic over
the TryInto
trait. TryInto is a not-yet-stable trait
(see rust-lang issue #33417) similar to
with the key distinction that the conversion can fail, and therefore produces a
You can only declare the try_setter
attribute today if you’re targeting nightly, and you have
to add #![feature(try_from)]
to your crate to use it.
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[builder(try_setter, setter(into))]
struct Lorem {
pub name: String,
pub ipsum: u8,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Ipsum {
#[builder(try_setter, setter(into, name = "foo"))]
pub dolor: u8,
fn main() {
.expect("1 fits into a u8");
.expect("1 fits into a u8");
Default Values
You can define default values for each field via annotation by #[builder(default = "...")]
where ...
stands for any Rust expression and must be string-escaped, e.g.
#[builder(default = "42")]
delegates to theDefault
trait of the base type.
The expression will be evaluated with each call to build
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Lorem {
#[builder(default = "42")]
pub ipsum: u32,
fn main() {
// If we don't set the field `ipsum`,
let x = LoremBuilder::default().build().unwrap();
// .. the custom default will be used for `ipsum`:
assert_eq!(x, Lorem {
ipsum: 42,
Tips on Defaults
- The
annotation can be used on the struct level, too. Overrides are still possible. - Delegate to a private helper method on
for anything fancy. This way you will get much better error diagnostics from the rust compiler and it will be much more readable for other human beings. :-) - Defaults will not work while using
. In this case, you’ll need to handle default values yourself when converting from the builder, such as by using.unwrap_or()
struct Lorem {
ipsum: String,
// Custom defaults can delegate to helper methods
// and pass errors to the enclosing `build()` method via `?`.
#[builder(default = "self.default_dolor()?")]
dolor: String,
impl LoremBuilder {
// Private helper method with access to the builder struct.
fn default_dolor(&self) -> Result<String, String> {
match self.ipsum {
Some(ref x) if x.chars().count() > 3 => Ok(format!("dolor {}", x)),
_ => Err("ipsum must at least 3 chars to build dolor".to_string()),
You can even reference other fields, but you have to remember that the builder struct will wrap every type in an Option (as illustrated earlier).
Generic Structs
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq, Default, Clone)]
struct GenLorem<T: Clone> {
ipsum: &'static str,
dolor: T,
fn main() {
let x = GenLoremBuilder::default().ipsum("sit").dolor(42).build().unwrap();
assert_eq!(x, GenLorem { ipsum: "sit".into(), dolor: 42 });
Build Method Customization
You can rename or suppress the auto-generated build method, leaving you free to implement
your own version. Suppression is done using #[builder(build_fn(skip))]
at the struct level,
and renaming is done with #[builder(build_fn(name = "YOUR_NAME"))]
Pre-Build Validation
If you’re using the provided build
method, you can declare
#[builder(build_fn(validate = "path::to::fn"))]
to specify a validator function which gets
access to the builder before construction. The path does not need to be fully-qualified, and
will consider use
statements made at module level. It must be accessible from the scope
where the target struct is declared.
The provided function must have the signature (&FooBuilder) -> Result<_, String>
the Ok
variant is not used by the build
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[builder(build_fn(validate = "Self::validate"))]
struct Lorem {
pub ipsum: u8,
impl LoremBuilder {
/// Check that `Lorem` is putting in the right amount of effort.
fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), String> {
if let Some(ref ipsum) = self.ipsum {
match *ipsum {
i if i < 20 => Err("Try harder".to_string()),
i if i > 100 => Err("You'll tire yourself out".to_string()),
_ => Ok(())
} else {
fn main() {
// If we're trying too hard...
let x = LoremBuilder::default().ipsum(120).build().unwrap_err();
// .. the build will fail:
assert_eq!(&x.to_string(), "You'll tire yourself out");
- Default values are applied after validation, and will therefore not be validated!
Additional Trait Derivations
You can derive additional traits on the builder, including traits defined by other crates:
#[derive(Builder, Clone)]
#[builder(derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq))]
pub struct Lorem {
foo: u8,
bar: String,
fn main() {
assert_eq!(LoremBuilder::default(), LoremBuilder::default());
Attributes declared for those traits are not forwarded to the fields on the builder.
Documentation Comments and Attributes
copies doc comments and attributes (#[...]
) from your fields
to the according builder fields and setter-methods, if it is one of the following:
/// ...
#[doc = ...]
The whitelisting minimizes interference with other custom attributes like those used by Serde, Diesel, or others.
struct Lorem {
/// `ipsum` may be any `String` (be creative).
ipsum: String,
#[doc = r"`dolor` is the estimated amount of work."]
dolor: i32,
// `#[derive(Builder)]` understands conditional compilation via cfg-attributes,
// i.e. => "no field = no setter".
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
Im_a_Mac: bool,
Pass-through Attributes
You can set attributes on elements of the builder using the builder_*_attr
adds attributes after#[derive(...)]
on the builder struct.builder_impl_attr
adds attributes on theimpl
adds attributes to field declarations in the builder struct.builder_setter_attr
adds attributes to the setter in theimpl
#[builder_struct_attr(serde(rename_all = "camelCase"))]
struct Lorem {
ipsum: String,
let mut show = LoremBuilder::default();
assert_eq!(serde_json::to_string(&show).unwrap(), r#"{"dolor":"sit"}"#);
Error return type from autogenerated build
By default, build
returns an autogenerated error type:
#[doc="Error type for LoremBuilder"]
pub enum LoremBuilderError { // where `LoremBuilder` is the name of the builder struct
/// Uninitialized field
UninitializedField(&'static str),
/// Custom validation error
impl From<String> for LoremBuilderError {
fn from(s: String) -> Self { Self::ValidationError(s) }
impl From<UninitializedFieldError> for LoremBuilderError { // ...
impl Display for LoremBuilderError { // ...
impl std::error::Error for LoremBuilderError {}
Alternatively, you can specify your own error type:
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[builder(build_fn(error = "OurLoremError"))]
struct Lorem {
pub ipsum: u32,
struct OurLoremError(String);
impl From<UninitializedFieldError> for OurLoremError {
fn from(ufe: UninitializedFieldError) -> OurLoremError { OurLoremError(ufe.to_string()) }
let err: OurLoremError = LoremBuilder::default().build().unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(&err.0, "Field not initialized: ipsum");
Completely custom fields in the builder
Instead of having an Option
, you can have whatever type you like:
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Default, Builder, Clone)]
#[builder(derive(Debug, PartialEq))]
struct Lorem {
#[builder(setter(into), field(type = "u32"))]
ipsum: u32,
#[builder(field(type = "String", build = "()"))]
dolor: (),
#[builder(field(type = "&'static str", build = "self.amet.parse()?"))]
amet: u32,
impl From<std::num::ParseIntError> for LoremBuilderError { // ...
let mut builder = LoremBuilder::default();
assert_eq!(builder, LoremBuilder { ipsum: 42, dolor: "sit".into(), amet: "12" });
let lorem =;
assert_eq!(lorem, Lorem { ipsum: 42, dolor: (), amet: 12 });
The builder field type (type =
) must implement Default
The argument to build
must be a literal string containing Rust code for the contents of a block, which must evaluate to the type of the target field.
It may refer to the builder struct as self
, use ?
, etc.
Support (on Nightly)
You can activate support for #![no_std]
by adding #[builder(no_std)]
to your struct
and #![feature(alloc)] extern crate alloc
to your crate.
The latter requires the nightly toolchain.
- Tuple structs and unit structs are not supported as they have no field names.
- Generic setters introduce a type parameter
VALUE: Into<_>
. Therefore you can’t useVALUE
as a type parameter on a generic struct in combination with generic setters. - The
attribute andowned
builder pattern are not compatible in practice; an error during building will consume the builder, making it impossible to continue construction. - When re-exporting the underlying struct under a different name, the auto-generated documentation will not match.
- If derive_builder depends on your crate, and vice versa, then a cyclic
dependency would occur. To break it you could try to depend on the
crate instead.
Report Issues and Ideas
If possible please try to provide the debugging info if you experience unexpected compilation errors (see above).
- Runtime error when a
method is called and one or more required fields do not have a value.
Derive Macros
- Create a builder struct for the deriving struct.