#[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
use core::borrow::Borrow;
use core::cmp::Ordering;
use core::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Sub, SubAssign};
use core::{fmt, hash};
#[cfg(feature = "rkyv")]
use rkyv::{Archive, Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::duration::Duration as OldDuration;
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-locales")]
use crate::format::Locale;
#[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
use crate::format::{DelayedFormat, Item, StrftimeItems};
use crate::naive::{IsoWeek, NaiveDate, NaiveTime};
use crate::offset::{TimeZone, Utc};
use crate::DateTime;
use crate::{Datelike, Weekday};
#[deprecated(since = "0.4.23", note = "Use `NaiveDate` or `DateTime<Tz>` instead")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "rkyv", derive(Archive, Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub struct Date<Tz: TimeZone> {
date: NaiveDate,
offset: Tz::Offset,
#[deprecated(since = "0.4.20", note = "Use Date::MIN_UTC instead")]
pub const MIN_DATE: Date<Utc> = Date::<Utc>::MIN_UTC;
#[deprecated(since = "0.4.20", note = "Use Date::MAX_UTC instead")]
pub const MAX_DATE: Date<Utc> = Date::<Utc>::MAX_UTC;
impl<Tz: TimeZone> Date<Tz> {
pub fn from_utc(date: NaiveDate, offset: Tz::Offset) -> Date<Tz> {
Date { date, offset }
pub fn and_time(&self, time: NaiveTime) -> Option<DateTime<Tz>> {
let localdt = self.naive_local().and_time(time);
#[deprecated(since = "0.4.23", note = "Use and_hms_opt() instead")]
pub fn and_hms(&self, hour: u32, min: u32, sec: u32) -> DateTime<Tz> {
self.and_hms_opt(hour, min, sec).expect("invalid time")
pub fn and_hms_opt(&self, hour: u32, min: u32, sec: u32) -> Option<DateTime<Tz>> {
NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(hour, min, sec).and_then(|time| self.and_time(time))
#[deprecated(since = "0.4.23", note = "Use and_hms_milli_opt() instead")]
pub fn and_hms_milli(&self, hour: u32, min: u32, sec: u32, milli: u32) -> DateTime<Tz> {
self.and_hms_milli_opt(hour, min, sec, milli).expect("invalid time")
pub fn and_hms_milli_opt(
hour: u32,
min: u32,
sec: u32,
milli: u32,
) -> Option<DateTime<Tz>> {
NaiveTime::from_hms_milli_opt(hour, min, sec, milli).and_then(|time| self.and_time(time))
#[deprecated(since = "0.4.23", note = "Use and_hms_micro_opt() instead")]
pub fn and_hms_micro(&self, hour: u32, min: u32, sec: u32, micro: u32) -> DateTime<Tz> {
self.and_hms_micro_opt(hour, min, sec, micro).expect("invalid time")
pub fn and_hms_micro_opt(
hour: u32,
min: u32,
sec: u32,
micro: u32,
) -> Option<DateTime<Tz>> {
NaiveTime::from_hms_micro_opt(hour, min, sec, micro).and_then(|time| self.and_time(time))
#[deprecated(since = "0.4.23", note = "Use and_hms_nano_opt() instead")]
pub fn and_hms_nano(&self, hour: u32, min: u32, sec: u32, nano: u32) -> DateTime<Tz> {
self.and_hms_nano_opt(hour, min, sec, nano).expect("invalid time")
pub fn and_hms_nano_opt(
hour: u32,
min: u32,
sec: u32,
nano: u32,
) -> Option<DateTime<Tz>> {
NaiveTime::from_hms_nano_opt(hour, min, sec, nano).and_then(|time| self.and_time(time))
#[deprecated(since = "0.4.23", note = "Use succ_opt() instead")]
pub fn succ(&self) -> Date<Tz> {
self.succ_opt().expect("out of bound")
pub fn succ_opt(&self) -> Option<Date<Tz>> {
self.date.succ_opt().map(|date| Date::from_utc(date, self.offset.clone()))
#[deprecated(since = "0.4.23", note = "Use pred_opt() instead")]
pub fn pred(&self) -> Date<Tz> {
self.pred_opt().expect("out of bound")
pub fn pred_opt(&self) -> Option<Date<Tz>> {
self.date.pred_opt().map(|date| Date::from_utc(date, self.offset.clone()))
pub fn offset(&self) -> &Tz::Offset {
pub fn timezone(&self) -> Tz {
pub fn with_timezone<Tz2: TimeZone>(&self, tz: &Tz2) -> Date<Tz2> {
pub fn checked_add_signed(self, rhs: OldDuration) -> Option<Date<Tz>> {
let date = self.date.checked_add_signed(rhs)?;
Some(Date { date, offset: self.offset })
pub fn checked_sub_signed(self, rhs: OldDuration) -> Option<Date<Tz>> {
let date = self.date.checked_sub_signed(rhs)?;
Some(Date { date, offset: self.offset })
pub fn signed_duration_since<Tz2: TimeZone>(self, rhs: Date<Tz2>) -> OldDuration {
pub fn naive_utc(&self) -> NaiveDate {
pub fn naive_local(&self) -> NaiveDate {
pub fn years_since(&self, base: Self) -> Option<u32> {
pub const MIN_UTC: Date<Utc> = Date { date: NaiveDate::MIN, offset: Utc };
pub const MAX_UTC: Date<Utc> = Date { date: NaiveDate::MAX, offset: Utc };
fn map_local<Tz: TimeZone, F>(d: &Date<Tz>, mut f: F) -> Option<Date<Tz>>
F: FnMut(NaiveDate) -> Option<NaiveDate>,
f(d.naive_local()).and_then(|date| d.timezone().from_local_date(&date).single())
impl<Tz: TimeZone> Date<Tz>
Tz::Offset: fmt::Display,
#[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))))]
pub fn format_with_items<'a, I, B>(&self, items: I) -> DelayedFormat<I>
I: Iterator<Item = B> + Clone,
B: Borrow<Item<'a>>,
DelayedFormat::new_with_offset(Some(self.naive_local()), None, &self.offset, items)
#[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))))]
pub fn format<'a>(&self, fmt: &'a str) -> DelayedFormat<StrftimeItems<'a>> {
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-locales")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "unstable-locales")))]
pub fn format_localized_with_items<'a, I, B>(
items: I,
locale: Locale,
) -> DelayedFormat<I>
I: Iterator<Item = B> + Clone,
B: Borrow<Item<'a>>,
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-locales")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "unstable-locales")))]
pub fn format_localized<'a>(
fmt: &'a str,
locale: Locale,
) -> DelayedFormat<StrftimeItems<'a>> {
self.format_localized_with_items(StrftimeItems::new_with_locale(fmt, locale), locale)
impl<Tz: TimeZone> Datelike for Date<Tz> {
fn year(&self) -> i32 {
fn month(&self) -> u32 {
fn month0(&self) -> u32 {
fn day(&self) -> u32 {
fn day0(&self) -> u32 {
fn ordinal(&self) -> u32 {
fn ordinal0(&self) -> u32 {
fn weekday(&self) -> Weekday {
fn iso_week(&self) -> IsoWeek {
fn with_year(&self, year: i32) -> Option<Date<Tz>> {
map_local(self, |date| date.with_year(year))
fn with_month(&self, month: u32) -> Option<Date<Tz>> {
map_local(self, |date| date.with_month(month))
fn with_month0(&self, month0: u32) -> Option<Date<Tz>> {
map_local(self, |date| date.with_month0(month0))
fn with_day(&self, day: u32) -> Option<Date<Tz>> {
map_local(self, |date| date.with_day(day))
fn with_day0(&self, day0: u32) -> Option<Date<Tz>> {
map_local(self, |date| date.with_day0(day0))
fn with_ordinal(&self, ordinal: u32) -> Option<Date<Tz>> {
map_local(self, |date| date.with_ordinal(ordinal))
fn with_ordinal0(&self, ordinal0: u32) -> Option<Date<Tz>> {
map_local(self, |date| date.with_ordinal0(ordinal0))
impl<Tz: TimeZone> Copy for Date<Tz> where <Tz as TimeZone>::Offset: Copy {}
unsafe impl<Tz: TimeZone> Send for Date<Tz> where <Tz as TimeZone>::Offset: Send {}
impl<Tz: TimeZone, Tz2: TimeZone> PartialEq<Date<Tz2>> for Date<Tz> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Date<Tz2>) -> bool {
self.date == other.date
impl<Tz: TimeZone> Eq for Date<Tz> {}
impl<Tz: TimeZone> PartialOrd for Date<Tz> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Date<Tz>) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl<Tz: TimeZone> Ord for Date<Tz> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Date<Tz>) -> Ordering {
impl<Tz: TimeZone> hash::Hash for Date<Tz> {
fn hash<H: hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl<Tz: TimeZone> Add<OldDuration> for Date<Tz> {
type Output = Date<Tz>;
fn add(self, rhs: OldDuration) -> Date<Tz> {
self.checked_add_signed(rhs).expect("`Date + Duration` overflowed")
impl<Tz: TimeZone> AddAssign<OldDuration> for Date<Tz> {
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: OldDuration) {
self.date = self.date.checked_add_signed(rhs).expect("`Date + Duration` overflowed");
impl<Tz: TimeZone> Sub<OldDuration> for Date<Tz> {
type Output = Date<Tz>;
fn sub(self, rhs: OldDuration) -> Date<Tz> {
self.checked_sub_signed(rhs).expect("`Date - Duration` overflowed")
impl<Tz: TimeZone> SubAssign<OldDuration> for Date<Tz> {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: OldDuration) {
self.date = self.date.checked_sub_signed(rhs).expect("`Date - Duration` overflowed");
impl<Tz: TimeZone> Sub<Date<Tz>> for Date<Tz> {
type Output = OldDuration;
fn sub(self, rhs: Date<Tz>) -> OldDuration {
impl<Tz: TimeZone> fmt::Debug for Date<Tz> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl<Tz: TimeZone> fmt::Display for Date<Tz>
Tz::Offset: fmt::Display,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
#[cfg(feature = "arbitrary")]
impl<'a, Tz> arbitrary::Arbitrary<'a> for Date<Tz>
Tz: TimeZone,
<Tz as TimeZone>::Offset: arbitrary::Arbitrary<'a>,
fn arbitrary(u: &mut arbitrary::Unstructured<'a>) -> arbitrary::Result<Date<Tz>> {
let date = NaiveDate::arbitrary(u)?;
let offset = <Tz as TimeZone>::Offset::arbitrary(u)?;
Ok(Date::from_utc(date, offset))
mod tests {
use super::Date;
use crate::duration::Duration;
use crate::{FixedOffset, NaiveDate, Utc};
#[cfg(feature = "clock")]
use crate::offset::{Local, TimeZone};
#[cfg(feature = "clock")]
fn test_years_elapsed() {
const WEEKS_PER_YEAR: f32 = 52.1775;
let one_year_ago = Utc::today() - Duration::weeks((WEEKS_PER_YEAR * 1.5).ceil() as i64);
let two_year_ago = Utc::today() - Duration::weeks((WEEKS_PER_YEAR * 2.5).ceil() as i64);
assert_eq!(Utc::today().years_since(one_year_ago), Some(1));
assert_eq!(Utc::today().years_since(two_year_ago), Some(2));
let future = Utc::today() + Duration::weeks(12);
assert_eq!(Utc::today().years_since(future), None);
fn test_date_add_assign() {
let naivedate = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2000, 1, 1).unwrap();
let date = Date::<Utc>::from_utc(naivedate, Utc);
let mut date_add = date;
date_add += Duration::days(5);
assert_eq!(date_add, date + Duration::days(5));
let timezone = FixedOffset::east_opt(60 * 60).unwrap();
let date = date.with_timezone(&timezone);
let date_add = date_add.with_timezone(&timezone);
assert_eq!(date_add, date + Duration::days(5));
let timezone = FixedOffset::west_opt(2 * 60 * 60).unwrap();
let date = date.with_timezone(&timezone);
let date_add = date_add.with_timezone(&timezone);
assert_eq!(date_add, date + Duration::days(5));
#[cfg(feature = "clock")]
fn test_date_add_assign_local() {
let naivedate = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2000, 1, 1).unwrap();
let date = Local.from_utc_date(&naivedate);
let mut date_add = date;
date_add += Duration::days(5);
assert_eq!(date_add, date + Duration::days(5));
fn test_date_sub_assign() {
let naivedate = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2000, 1, 1).unwrap();
let date = Date::<Utc>::from_utc(naivedate, Utc);
let mut date_sub = date;
date_sub -= Duration::days(5);
assert_eq!(date_sub, date - Duration::days(5));
let timezone = FixedOffset::east_opt(60 * 60).unwrap();
let date = date.with_timezone(&timezone);
let date_sub = date_sub.with_timezone(&timezone);
assert_eq!(date_sub, date - Duration::days(5));
let timezone = FixedOffset::west_opt(2 * 60 * 60).unwrap();
let date = date.with_timezone(&timezone);
let date_sub = date_sub.with_timezone(&timezone);
assert_eq!(date_sub, date - Duration::days(5));
#[cfg(feature = "clock")]
fn test_date_sub_assign_local() {
let naivedate = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2000, 1, 1).unwrap();
let date = Local.from_utc_date(&naivedate);
let mut date_sub = date;
date_sub -= Duration::days(5);
assert_eq!(date_sub, date - Duration::days(5));